


1 - Slider settings

1.1 - Display external content?

1.2 - Use slideshow full screen?

Display the full height of the device.

1.3 - Use Autoplay?

1.4 - Navigation

1.5 - Dots + Scrollbar

1.6 - Height slider

Fixed height slider

1.7 - Change slides every

1.8 - Responsive

1.9 - Banner settings

Custom CSS

CSS Preset

2 - Content settings

2.1 - Item image

  • Preload? Enable this option for the first item of the first slide section

  • Heading

    • Text

    • Font family

  • Subheading

    • Text

    • Font family

  • Description

    • Text

    • Font family

  • Display settings

    • Textbox alignment top

    • Textbox alignment left (with rtl is right)

    • Text alignment mobile

    • Text alignment

  • Buttons

    • Button 1

      • Style

      • Radius

    • Button 2

      • Style

      • Radius

  • Custom

    • Max width textbox (1200px or width of container)

    • Css for item: Custom CSS for the current item. For example

.block_id .slideshow__title{
    color: #fff
.block_id .slideshow__subtitle{
    color: #fff
.block_id .slideshow__description{
    color: #fff

Last updated