
Go to Theme settings > Gadget

1 - GDPR Modal

This plugin will help you comply with the EU ePrivacy Directive, AKA ‘the EU Cookie Law’ by getting implied consent from your website visitors and helping you clearly show them what cookies your website uses.

1.1 - Turn on

1.2 - Config

2 - Age Verification

If you sell alcohol, tobacco, vape or other age restricted products on your website, Age Check is an essential app that verifies the age of visitors when they arrive on your website.

2.1 - Turn on

2.2 - Config

3 - Review App

Product Review

4 - Location map settings

5 - Trust Images

Payment trust badges for sales conversion and social proof

6 - Instagram

Your instagram api setting.

How to get Instagram Access Token

Access Token code needs to be replaced every 6 months.

Get by tag (Only retrieve articles that contain tags). Do not write #

7 - Newsletter

7.1 - Newsletter popup


7.2 - Newsletter Form

Set up where management customers subscribe to newsletters. You can use one of the many supported managers available.

8 - Meta keywords (SEO)

Add some keywords related to your website to support SEO

9 - Disable right click

The original disable right click

This feature should only be enabled when your website is live.

Last updated