General Settings

Go to Theme settings > General settings

1 - Direction align

The direction CSS property sets the direction of text, table columns, and horizontal overflow. Use rtl for languages written from right to left (like Hebrew or Arabic), and ltr for those written from left to right (like English and most other languages)

2 - Mobile

2.1 - Logo center

2.3 - Bottom bar

Bottom bar

3 - Home layout

3.1 - Wrap container

The maximum width of the site is 1290px. Demo 19

3.2 - Layout sidebar

Homepage will be divided into 2 sections to display content.

Config: You will need to combine the 3 sections Start sidebar, End sidebar, End content

3.2 - Right sidebar

The sidebar will be displayed on the right.

4 - Info store

Customize your website's contact information

5 - Time zone Countdown

Countdown changes according to the customer's time zone.

6 - Product

6.1 - Aspect ratio image product

Generic ratio for product images.

6.2 - Function

Wishlist, compare, and quickview features.


6.3 - Product tabs settings

Enable mobile swipe for tabs element

Last updated